Housing Policies
University Housing policies help create a secure and appropriate living environment for all students and residents. Through the active participation of all residents and their guests in abiding by the policies, a community, conducive to living, learning, and personal growth is established. Therefore, residents are responsible for demonstrating their understanding of these policies, in addition to the Student Code of Conduct, Academic Integrity and Computer, Internet and Electronic Communications.
Should you choose to disregard any of the stated University Housing policies, or the Student Code of Conduct, elements of the conduct process may be administered to hold you accountable for your actions. Each resident is responsible for the actions of their guests and the actions that take place within their room. Residents and guests must comply with the directives of university personnel, including hall staff, university police officers, and community emergency agencies while in the halls and around the surrounding properties. If you have any questions, contact your residence hall staff.
All residents and guests are prohibited from possessing or consuming alcohol; or, hosting or being in the presence of others consuming alcohol in any of ASU’s residential communities or on ASU grounds. In addition, all provisions of Arizona state law regarding alcohol are in effect at all times, including but not limited to the minor in consumption (returning to the hall intoxicated), minor in possession, and public consumption laws. Devices designed for rapid consumption of alcohol (e.g., beer bongs, funnels, etc.) are prohibited and subject to confiscation. Kegs and other common source containers are prohibited. Due to health risks and the negative message sent to minors, residents are not permitted to possess/decorate their rooms with empty alcohol containers and or paraphernalia (e.g. neon signs, shot glasses, alcohol boxes, etc.). This includes anyone who is of legal drinking age and over.
University Housing does not permit bicycle storage in the hallways; locked bicycles to exterior stair rails or bicycles blocking fire escapes. Students should lock bicycles to bicycle racks located adjacent to each residence hall. Bicycle storage is not permitted in University Housing facilities unless the space is designated as an official bicycle storage space.
Residents are prohibited from establishing an unacceptable pattern of misconduct. An unacceptable pattern of misconduct occurs when they are frequently documented for violations of policy. Chronic misbehavior may result in termination of Housing License Agreement and removal from University Housing without reimbursement.
Arizona state law and university policy prohibits student involvement in the use, possession, distribution, presence of or sale of illegal drugs and/or paraphernalia. Refer to the Student Code of Conduct for more information. Any violation of this policy may result in immediate termination of your University Housing license agreement.
Cooking in student rooms is allowed where kitchen facilities are a standard part of the room’s facilities, and in community cooking locations. Microwaves are permitted when limited to 700-watt usage. Only small refrigerators (no more than 4.0 cubic ft) are allowed in residence hall rooms unless otherwise provided by University Housing. All cooking in kitchen facilities must be monitored at all times. Students who fail to clean up after cooking will be held accountable according to our Health and Safety expectations. University Housing is committed to sustaining our environment, therefore encourages students to utilize energy-star appliances. Any appliances that have an exposed red coil heating element are prohibited.
Note: Due to safety concerns, students are prohibited from lighting stove pilot lights and flipping breaker box switches. If you smell natural gas, call a University Housing staff member immediately. Please submit a work request online .
Students are expected to provide accurate and truthful information and to comply with the directions of university officials or agents (which include hall staff, law enforcement, or security officers) who are acting in good faith and in the performance of their duties.
University Housing has two policies related to noise in the common and private areas of the residence halls for the maintenance of an atmosphere conducive to academic success: courtesy hours and quiet hours. Noise in common areas, including balconies, must be kept to a minimum. Noise made inside your room should not be audible outside of your room.
Courtesy Hours: Courtesy hours are in effect at all times in the residence halls. You have the right to ask others to refrain from making noise when that noise interferes with your study, sleep, or general use of your room. If a resident requests another resident to lower the volume or reduce the amount of noise, the expectation is to accommodate the request and reduce the amount of noise.
Quiet Hours: These are enforced in the residence hall as a supplement to the courtesy hours.
Quiet hours are in effect in all residence halls from 9 p.m. - 8 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and from 1 a.m. – 8 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. During finals week, quiet hours are in effect 24 hours a day, beginning on the last day of classes at 9:00 p.m. Individual floors and/or halls may add restrictions on noise, but may not reduce what is noted above.
Residents are prohibited from vandalizing, damaging, or destroying university or other individuals’ property. Any damages to the community will be billed back to the individuals who caused the damage or split among the residents that live in that community. Any damages that are not listed on the room inspection report (RIR) at the time of check-in will be billed to your student account at the time of repair or check-out. Refer to the Student Code of Conduct (See section G, 1l: Restitution) for more information.
Personalizing your living space is an important part of making your room your home. Please be advised that you may not make any permanent alterations to your assigned living space. Damages not listed on the room inspection report will be billed to your account. You are responsible for thoroughly reviewing your Room Inspection Report and notifying University Housing staff within 48 hours after moving in of any discrepancies. Students are not permitted to paint their rooms/hallways or furniture. It is not permitted to put nails, staples, duct tape or holes in the walls (see hall staff for recommendations on appropriate methods to hang items on walls). No decorations can be displayed in exterior, public-facing windows*. Residents and guests are required to comply with the room decoration policy.
The following guidelines are provided to minimize the risk of facility damage, fire hazard and/or high-energy use. You can also review further guidelines on the university’s Environmental Health and Safety website.
- All holiday decorations must be removed prior to fall, spring and summer residence hall closing.
- Live trees and cut vegetation are prohibited (exception: temporary display of cut flowers and/or house plants are acceptable, as long as it does not create a fire or health hazard).
- Any decorations on or around an artificial tree must be non-combustible or properly treated with fire retardant material.
- Decorations for holidays and celebrations should be of noncombustible material.
- Lighting/Candles
- Any electrical lighting must bear the label of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) and be in good condition (free of frayed wires, loose connections and broken sockets).
- Candles, incense, neon signs, halogen lamps in your room or any hallway is prohibited. (Candle warmers are not permitted in the halls.)
- Light bulbs must be arranged so they do not ignite any combustible materials. No combustible material can be near the bulb or any part of the electrical connection/s.
- Lighting strings may not be plugged in one to another.
- Lights should not hang more than three inches from the ceiling.
- Possession of or use of any candles, ember, glowing or open flame articles are prohibited in all university buildings, including residential spaces (Permits can be authorized through the fire marshal for special events on a case-by-case basis).
NOTE: Rearranging university furniture in your room must not interfere with safety and regulations or code compliance. See hall staff to verify. All equipment, materials, decoration, etc., must be used in accordance with manufacturer recommendations for use.
* - The only exception to exterior-facing decorations permitted during the 2021-2022 academic year are materials for the ASU Hearts of Gold campaign. Please see your Hall Staff for additional information about this campaign.
Residents and their guests are expected to promptly evacuate the building whenever a fire alarm sounds and to observe all fire/emergency guidelines. Hall specific fire evacuation procedures are outlined within your room or at your front desk. Whether accidental or intentional, the misuse, damage and/or tampering with fire/emergency equipment (such as fire pull boxes, fire extinguishers, fire doors, fire hoses, smoke detectors, and sprinkler systems) is strictly prohibited and will result in behavioral, student conduct and/or criminal action. Tampering with or disabling fire equipment and smoke detectors are a felony in the state of Arizona. Residents are encouraged to confront individuals disregarding this policy and to report the incident to their hall staff.
The following items are prohibited in the residential community due to their association as a fire hazard:
- Banners
- Barbecue Grills (except in the North, South, and West Desert Village Communities)
- Candles
- Combustion engines (ex: motors for bicycles, scooters, mopeds, etc.)
- Car maintenance is not prohibited on University Housing property
- Decorations connected to or obstructing the operation of any smoke detectors, heat detectors, fire sprinkler heads or pipes
- Flags
- Flammable materials such as paint thinner, gasoline or motor oil
- Gasoline or electric powered vehicles or engines regardless of their state of dismantlement
- Halogen lamps/bulbs
- Holiday/string lights (unless low wattage, less than 12 watts)
- Hookahs
- Hot plates
- Hot pots
- Incense
- Microwaves over 700 watt usage
- Neon signs
- Refrigerators larger than 4.0 cubic ft. (unless provided by University Housing)
- Space heaters
- Any appliance with a heated coil (if you are unsure whether your equipment has a heated coil, please ask hall staff to verify before bringing item into your residence)
- Ex: Waffle maker, Toasters/toaster ovens
Additional fire safety guidelines:
- Combustible materials can be used only if the items bear a “flame-proof” label on the wrapper.
- Elevator lobbies or stairways must be free of obstruction and combustible material.
- Ensure exits are not obstructed and that all exit lighting is visible.
- Extension cords must be at least a minimum of 16 gauge or heavier with a grounded three-prong plug, cannot run in series, and must not cause a safety hazard.
- Live trees and cut vegetation are prohibited (exception: cut flowers and/or house plants are acceptable for temporary display in a personal area as long as it does not create a fire or health hazard).
- You may not connect your decorations to or obstruct the operation of any fire equipment. This includes but is not limited to smoke detectors, fire sprinkler heads or pipes.
The University Student Code of Conduct prohibits explosives (including fireworks), firearms, black or smokeless powder ammunition, and/or weapons of any type in the residence halls, resident rooms, or campus grounds. Possession of firearms, weapons, and/or ammunition in the residence halls could be grounds for the immediate termination of the Residence Hall License Agreement. For the definition of “weapon” for residence hall policy, please see the Student Code of Conduct . Weapons may include, but are not limited to: knives, paint guns, air guns, CO2 guns, stun guns, tasers, martial arts weapons, laser pointers, tear gas, sling shots, darts, and pellet and spring guns. Refer to the Student Code of Conduct for more information.
- Exits and passageways cannot be blocked; all exit lighting must be visible.
- Clothing, banners, flags, blankets, lights, or messages may not be displayed in windows or on the outside of buildings.
- Hallways must be clear of obstruction. No decorations (unless on a resident’s room door) outside of the room is permitted.
- Lofting your bed is not permitted (unless lofting services are provided by your residential community).
- Painting your room/hallway or furniture is not permitted.
- Paper products should be fire retardant and decorations must be limited to no more than 25% of the wall space (including room door).
- Plugging any electrical cords, devices, appliances, lighting, etc. into anything but the wall directly or into a surge protector.
- No cords are allowed to go from one room to another, including through a doorway, floor or ceiling.
- You may not have heavy or oversized furniture in your room. This includes but is not limited to a waterbed, any furniture containing liquid, wood structures or bars.
- You may not have any university furnishings in your room other than the furniture provided upon checking in. This includes, but is not limited to, furniture from the lobby, conference room, kitchens, and/or lounge.
- You may not use any sort of weapon (real, toy, or artificial) to decorate your room.
Residents are prohibited from gambling in the residential halls. Refer to the Student Code of Conduct for more information.
Guests must be signed in by their host (ASU resident for that specific community) when entering a residential community. Guest(s) must present a valid form of identification. Any minor (under the age of 18) not presenting a valid ASU ID must be signed in by a parent or legal guardian, including a valid emergency contact number in the event of an emergency. The host must escort guests at all times. The maximum occupancy of a space is four guests per housing unit with an additional max occupancy of two times the number of bedrooms. Residents will be held accountable for their guest behaviors by the conduct system.
Overnight guests are welcome after consideration is given to the roommates/suitemates’ needs and rights. Overnight guests are limited to a maximum of three consecutive nights and not more than six nights per month. Guest(s) under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a legal guardian during their stay. Exceptions to this policy must be approved in advance through the Community Director after a Minor Consent Form is filled out and submitted in writing.
Rollerblading, hover-boarding, roller-skating, skateboarding (including freestyle skating, skateboarding tricks, and any time all 4 wheels leave the ground), or biking inside the residence halls or inside courtyard areas is not permitted. Playing with, throwing, bouncing, kicking or rolling any ball, or using any sports equipment except in designated areas inside the residence halls is also prohibited. No wrestling, sparring, or rough play of any kind is permitted in the residence halls.
Refer to the Student Code of Conduct for more information.
Refer to the Student Code of Conduct for more information.
Inspections of rooms/suites will be conducted throughout the academic year and may occur at any time to ensure that the living space is healthy and comfortable.
- Any personal property stored in a student room or suite must not interfere with the health and safety of the residents and must not damage University property. Any object must not block or obstruct an exit or passageway.
- Residents may not keep excessive trash in their rooms, suites, or common areas. When a trash can is full, it must be taken to the trash receptacles for the community.
- All items drawing on electrical current must meet the federal, state, and University safety regulations.
- Surge protectors should be used with items that require a large amount of electricity (i.e., televisions, refrigerators, and computers, etc.).
- Extension cords may not be taped, tacked or stapled to any surface.
- Waterbeds are prohibited.
- It is not permitted to install additional locks/locking mechanisms on any residential space room/bathroom/closet door.
- Security cameras and video recording devices are not permitted.
- Personal pets and “pet sitting” are not permitted in University Housing facilities.
Residence Life staff members will look for the following during an inspection:
- Prohibited items
- Cleanliness/healthy living environment
- Safety violations
If a room/suite fails a health and safety inspection and the violation does not pose an immediate threat, the room/suite will be warned and re-inspected within 48 hours. Failure to pass a second inspection may result in judicial action and a cleaning fee.
Keys issued to residents by University Housing may not be duplicated or given to unassigned persons (friends, family members, others). All keys must be returned at the time of official check-out. If a resident does not return keys, or turns in keys that do not match the keys that were issued upon check-in, it will result in a lock change that will be billed back to the resident’s account.
Lock Out Policy:
- Residents will receive (3) lock-outs from University Housing without consequence.
- The 4th lockout and all subsequent lockouts will result in the resident meeting with University Housing staff.
- If you lose your key, you should report this to University Housing immediately, in order to have the lock changed for your own safety and security.
Should a student be identified as potentially missing, University Housing notifies ASUPD for investigation and assistance, in-addition to following established university protocol. To learn more about the established protocol, please consult the online guide:
By using campus wired and wireless networks, you are obligated to operate under the ASU Acceptable Usage Policy.
High-speed access to the ASU campus network is provided to each student residing on campus. Each resident is prohibited from setting up their own wireless access point in their residence hall room, as these devices directly conflict with the ASU wireless network and degrade its performance. Wireless printers are not supported by the ASU wireless network, and will only function if directly connected to a personal computer with a printer or Ethernet cable. The wireless broadcast feature in a printer, such as “Direct Print”, must also be manually disabled to avoid interference with the ASU wireless network.
Gaming devices like the XBOX, PlayStation and the Wii are allowed. For best performance, we strongly recommend connecting consoles directly to the network port in your room.
All residents will be held responsible for actions originating from their network devices, computers, printers or accounts. For specific questions or assistance regarding residential technology, please call the ASU Experience Center’s dedicated residential technology support line at 480-965-8565. For assistance with anything else, please contact the Experience Center’s main line at 1-855-278-5080 or you can visit your My ASU service center to submit a request online, live chat with an agent, or to get more information from our knowledge base articles.
Prohibited Network Items:
- Personal wireless access point or router
- Wireless Hotspot
- Wireless printer that broadcasts itself on the campus network
Residents are obligated to remove themselves from any situation where a violation is occurring. Residents present during a violation of hall policy and/or code of conduct will be held responsible for that violation.
No pets, except fish, are permitted in the residential facilities (except Family Housing. See below). This includes all non-human mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and birds. Fish tanks larger than 10 gallons are not permitted in the halls.
Guests are not permitted to bring pets into the residence halls at any time. Please note that failure in the timely removal of the pet from the residential hall (as determined by hall staff) may result in the enlisting of animal control services.
Service Animals & Emotional Support Animals:
Approved service/emotional support animals, are permitted in the residential communities. A certified service/emotional support animal is permitted for a resident with approved medical documentation. To register animals and for other accommodations that need approval, please follow the guidelines outlined with the Disability Resource Center (DRC). Please also review DRC Service Animal Policy, DRC Therapy and Emotional Support Animal Policy, and DRC Responsibilities of Individuals with Service, Therapy, or Emotional Support Animals.
Service/emotional support animals that are found to be aggressive, create a nuisance, sanitation concerns, or threaten the safety of others will not be allowed to remain in the hall.
All roommates (and/or suitemates) need to approve of the animal through written confirmation. If all occupants of the shared space are not in agreement, the student with the animal will be administratively relocated to another unit.
Family Housing Pet Policy:
We strongly discourage animals in the houses. Only a Family Housing license holder may request to have a pet. A license holder is allowed a maximum of two (2) animals per family house. University Housing, at its sole discretion, may deny any request for a pet. If the license holder is granted a permission to have pet(s), prior to the animal(s) moving into the house, the license holder is responsible for paying a pet fee of $200.00 per semester all of which is non-refundable. In addition to the pet(s) fee, all license holders must provide documentation of the following for each animal: 1) spayed or neutered 2) current vaccination of rabies 3) dog licensure through Maricopa County. All animal breeds categorized as an aggressive breed are prohibited. All animals(s) must be indoor pets. Failure to seek approval prior to obtaining an animal may result in your pet being denied and possible cause for license agreement termination. Feeding of any stray animal(s) owned or free roaming is strictly prohibited. This means that all water and food for authorized animals must remain indoors at all times.
University Housing at any time may revoke a pet approval without notice if an emergency situation concerning the animal(s) arises or applicable animal control laws or regulations mandate removal, isolation or quarantine of the animal(s). Upon notice, any unauthorized animal shall be removed immediately from the residence. We may turn the pet over to a humane society or local authority. We will return the pet to you upon request if it has not already been turned over to a humane society or local authority. We have no lien on the pet for any purpose; but you agree to pay for reasonable care and kenneling charges for such pet. If you do not pick up the pet within two (2) days after removal, the pet shall be deemed abandoned. If you or your guests with or without knowledge or permission violate this section you may be charged for damages, receive a fine, be evicted, and/or subjected to other remedies of this License.
- Pets are prohibited from being in any university buildings.
- The license holder agrees that only the animal(s) described and named on their pet waiver will occupy the premises. No additional or different animal(s) are authorized under this waiver.
- License holder understands that there is a pet fee of $200.00 per semester (billed at the beginning of both fall and spring semester), all of which is non-refundable. Additional fees may apply at move-out if the premises are not free of any damage or odor caused by pet(s).
- University Housing will not consider a pet waiver request for certain types of animals or breeds of dog, purebred or not. Animals that will not be permitted under any circumstances are ferrets and snakes. Dog breeds that will not be approved include, but are not limited to: Rottweiler, Doberman Pincher, Pit Bull, Akita, Great Dane, Chow Chow, German Sheppard, Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Presa Canario, Boxer, or Dalmatian.
- Any non-compliance by the license holder’s animal(s) with the terms of this waiver or with the rules and regulations governing animals on the premises, including guests of the license holder, shall entitle Management, at its sole discretion to revoke this waiver, in which case the license holder will immediately remove the pet(s). Violation of this waiver shall result in charges, damages, fines, eviction and/or remedies of this License. Situations that would warrant this action may include the animal(s) becoming annoying, bothersome, or in any way a nuisance to other residents or interfering with Management business including, but not limited to, completion of work order or preventative maintenance.
- License holder agrees that all pet(s) must be kept inside at all times except when on a leash and under the control of the license holder or responsible adult. It is the responsibility of the license holder to ensure that pet droppings are disposed of properly. This includes, regularly changing litter or cages and cleaning up pet droppings outside. Any person owning, possessing, harboring, or having the care, charge, control or custody of any dog shall immediately remove and thereafter dispose of any fecal matter deposited by the dog on a public or private property. Violation of this may be cause for license agreement termination.
- Neither a female dog during her breeding or mating season nor a vicious dog shall be permitted at large.
- All dogs must be physically restrained by a leash when outdoors and cage/kennel when unattended indoors.
- License holder will provide documentation of the following for each animal no later than move-in (or prior to adding additional or new pets to the license agreement):
- Vaccination records (ex: rabies)
- Dog License through Maricopa County
- Spayed/Neutered
- Distemper (required for cats)
- License holder agrees that the pet(s) will not be left unattended and/or uncared for over 24 hours. If a pet(s) is found unattended to or not cared for more than 24 hours, Management, at its sole discretion, may remove the pet(s) and place it with a responsible adult, humane organization or turn the pet over to the pound or other authorities at the license holder’s expense.
- License holder indemnifies Management and the University from all liability whatsoever concerning or related to the pet(s), including, but not limited to, pound costs, injury, damage, and attorney fees and costs.
- “Pet Sitting” is not permitted per University Housing Policy.
Residents swim at their own risk. University Housing does not provide lifeguards for its pool facilities. Glass containers are not permitted in the pool areas. Residents are required to act in a manner that will not disturb or violate the rights of others when using the pool facilities. Please see posted pool hours. Use of pool outside of the posted hours is subject to disciplinary action. Pool use is limited to residents and their escorted guests only. Failure to maintain the facilities, vandalism or damages may result in the closing of the pool and surrounding area for all students, and may result in community damage charges. Nudity is prohibited.
For reasons of safety, security and the overall well-being of our ASU Housing residential communities, the following items are prohibited. Please note this is not a complete and exhaustive list.
- Hoverboards
- Flammable items (candles, gasoline, etc)
- Open Heating elements (Toasters, hot plates, electric heaters, etc)
- Halogen Lamps
- Non UL (Underwriters Laboratories) approved items. Ex: Decorative lighting, small appliances, surge protectors.
- Fireworks
- Drugs and Alcohol associated paraphernalia
- Bed lofting kits
- Cigarettes, E-Cigarettes, Cigars, Pipes, Hookahs, etc. are prohibited in our residential facilities.
- Pets (except for fish)
- Weapons and Guns
- Personal routers, wireless access points, and wireless hotspots
- You may have a personal printer, however, you must keep the wireless printing function turned off
For safety and maintenance reasons, no student is allowed on any residence hall roof or ledge for any purpose.
Screens must remain on windows at all times. All permanently sealed windows must remain closed to regulate the air conditioning and ensure safety. Throwing any object, solid or liquid, out of a residence hall window or off any balcony or landing is strictly prohibited. Signage of any sort will be prohibited in being posted on the inside or outside of windows. Food, plants, or other items are not permitted on outside window sills, balconies, landings, or ledges.
ASU recognizes that tobacco use is a public health hazard and is dedicated to providing a healthy, comfortable, and educationally productive learning environment for faculty, staff, students, and visitors. Smoking and the use of smokeless tobacco products are prohibited in or on all university property.
Solicitation is prohibited in all residence halls. Solicitors should be immediately reported to a residence hall staff member or the hall front desk. Residents are not allowed to use their rooms, computer lab facilities, or mailboxes for commercial or business purposes unless otherwise outlined or approved by University Housing.
Stalking is prohibited. Refer to the Student Code of Conduct for more information.
Each residence hall room contains a bin for collecting trash and a blue colored bin for collecting recyclable materials. Residents are encouraged to participate in the ASU Recycling Program and to use these bins accordingly. All residents are required to dispose of their own trash and recycling by taking it to the designated disposal locations. Dumpsters for recycling are clearly labeled and residents are asked to not contaminate them with non-recyclable materials. Guidelines for materials that are recyclable can be found on ASU’s website for zero waste.
Theft is prohibited. Refer to the Student Code of Conduct for more information.
Threats are prohibited. Refer to the Student Code of Conduct for more information.
Residents are prohibited from entering the residential halls illegally, improperly, without authorization, or during non-contract periods without proper permission. This includes your or another resident's room or any room you are not authorized to enter, including alarmed exit doors.