Best Hall
Best Hall
1215 S. Forest Ave.
Tempe, AZ 85281
Check out the ASU Map to see where this hall is in comparison to the rest of ASU.
Getting Around
Close to the Memorial Union, Gammage Auditorium and Student Services Building with Flash and intercampus shuttles stops right outside.
Best Hall, co-ed by room with community-style bath facilities, offers access to community lounges, small study rooms off the courtyard, laundry and kitchen facilities, and a volleyball court. Amenities also include 24-hour campus security, front desk services located in Best Hall C, and nearby, an all-you-care-to-eat dining facility, Pitchforks, in the Memorial Union. A meal plan is required.
We are offering a cohort living experience for freshmen living in Best Hall and taking their first business class of CIS 105 (Computer Applications and Information Systems) together, part of the Business Community Advantage. This living and learning community allows for students to meet new friends and create special academic opportunities. Being a member of this community includes:
1. Taking your first business class with students on your floor and in your residence hall
2. Opportunities to create study groups and test prep sessions with peers
3. Ability to better contribute to classroom discussions and assignments
4. Nearby tutoring center, study areas and collaboration spots to be most prepared for class
5. Being part of a peer support group that shares a combined academic and housing experience to help each other succeed